The Tech Stack We Use

Maybe you're interested in building a site similar to HomeTechHacker Academy. Or, maybe you are curious about the technologies we used to build this site. Either way, you're at the right place. Below are the technologies we rely on for this site.

Some of these are affiliate links which means we'll get a small commission for referring you to these tools. This is no way affects our choice of tools. We pick the tools based on our needs.

Professional Developer programmer working a software website design and coding technology, writing codes and database in company office, Global cyber connection technology.

Learning Management System (LMS)

Thrive Apprentice

Thrive Apprentice works with any WordPress theme and gives you full visual editing control of your courses. It also includes drip scheduling, course completion certificates, and so much more.

WordPress Theme and Page Builder

ThriveSuite Logo

Everything you need to build a conversion focused site. It includes great tools like Thrive Architect (page builder), Thrive Apprentice (LMS), Thrive Quiz Builder assessments, tests, and quiz funnels, and so much more.

Payment Platform

ThriveCart Logo

ThriveCart offers a secure, feature packed, and easy to use cart and checkout system. If you're selling courses, membership, or any digital product you must check out ThriveCart.

Email Marketing Automation

Mailerlite logo

Simple and inexpensive email marketing and automation platform that integrates with most other major products, including ThriveCart and ThriveSuite. It has good deliverability rates and an easy to use interface.

Web Hosting & Content Delivery Network (CDN)

cloudways by digital ocean logo

We have multiple web sites running smoothly on Cloudways. Their prices are reasonable, and their interface makes it a snap to spin up and manage applications. Even scaling up as your traffic grows is just a couple of clicks. And, we really appreciate the abundant documentation they have. Logo

We use as our site's CDN to speed up performance. It's also incredibly inexpensive to use for storage of files and streaming videos that we use with our courses. The performance is top notch!

Video Player

Presto Player Logo

This is the video player we use for all our course videos. It has great features, including overlays, watermarks, and muted auto play. Plus, it integrates perfectly with

Graphic/Video Editing

Canva Logo

I'm not a graphic artist or a great video editor. But, with Canva, I can do a fast and efficient job of both. This is my go to tool for social media, advertising, and web site graphics. I also use it for video editing and creating presentations. The Pro version is worth it!

Affiliate Management

Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugin logo

We use AAWP to easily generate beautiful Amazon Affiliate link graphics and tables on our blog. You can check out some examples of tables and products built using this here.
